Ahad, 16 November 2008

Weekend yang membosankan

Yeah! Monday is here... kalau tak.. its going to be a very boring weekend.. Sepatutnya nak pergi jogging hari sabtu pagi, but since something happened to my dearest friend uncle, apa yang dirancang tak dapat nak di lakukan. End up i did the spring cleaning in my house... since the children are not around. Mudah la sikit pergerakan tu. Habis semua kain baju, cadar, towel di basuh. Whoaaa.. macam kedai dobi la plak.
Sambil2 tu menonton TV. Selalunya memang tak suka nak tengok citer hindustan, tapi sabtu lepas, cerita nya menarik minat for me untuk terus menonton.. Story about a mother whose husband has betrayed her to another woman and got married to the other lady and went to court to have the custody of her children. Because of her love to the children, she had killed them and herself by poisening them and not knowing that she actually had died...
Kind of a ghost story but.. i think it has touched me a lot since it somehow has some connection with me...
Later that evening, i went to my best friend's house and stay with her on that saturday... since both of us is not the type of hanging outside, we both being hooked infront of the TV watching every Astro channel she had... Duh!!!
Maybe because of age, even though i had the chance of going out and have fun.. but its just not me.. So its kind of boring for others but its just the way i LEPAK and relax...
yeah... BORING la gak, sebab tak ada suara anak2 yang sering ketawa, menjerit, menangis.. Rasanya itu lah hiburan yang paling indah buat seorang ibu...

Khamis, 13 November 2008

Yesterday nite... Anak yang sulung (Fiqry, 16thn) beriya2 mintak tolong hantarkan ke rumah
ayahnya... They were supposed to be pick up by my ex to his house. As usual he gave the normal reason that he is busy with work. Prior to that, i do not like to see the face of my children pouting over on this matter.. so off i go... change my attire and ask them to get ready and sent them.
Jalan MRRII.. macam biasa agak sesak dengan kereta.. tambahan dengan hujan renyai ... i have to be extra carefull since most of the other drivers seems to be in hurry and tak peduli orang dan bila rasa nak mencelah, main celah je la..
Conversation with my elder son are mostly on issue biasa. He did mentioned about how is stepmother asked him to cook rice.. and she actually laugh at him on the way dia bersih kan beras.... Yang peliknya cara the stepmother basuh beras, lagi la mengerikan.. cuma tambah air dan masuk kan ke rice cooker and switch on.. Eeeiiiiii! Kotornya ! So Fiqry told me that i thought him to clean it at least 3 times and selawat tiapkali basuh.. He mentioned no wonder nasi bila petang dah basi...
His birthday is coming this December 5th. and i actually has made a promise to buy him a guitar which he wanted since Jun this year. Hmmmm.. that will cost me RM300 plus.. Wooow! I have to make a new budget on this.. Entahla.. kalo ikut gaji.. dengan keadaan my ex yang sekejap bagi sekejap tidak tu.. rasa macam boleh ke aku beli ni... tapi Insyaallah.. rasanya rezeki anak ada kan....
Talking about nafkah, pelik rasa sepatutnya setiap bulan dia patut ketepikan nafkah anak2. Tapi masalah dengan dia ni.. Kepentingan anak selalu jatuh nombor 2.. That's why, kadang2 aku terima kadang2 tidak. Best part is, boleh marah and tell me.. jangan mintak, kalo ada dia bagi, kalo tidak tak adalah.. Best sungguh reason ni...
Tp macam ni la.. For me tak heran sangat, sedang masa jadi isteri dia pun nafkah tak ada bagi mustahil sekarang dia akan beringat.. Tapi aku yakin Allah maha mengetahui.. dan alhamdulillah rezeki anak2 belum putus lagi.. cuma aku harus bekerja kuat, untuk dapatkan apa yang aku dapat sekarang... and i pray to God to give me the strength.. sebab kadang2 rasa terlalu letih dengan keadaan... Ujian tuhan.. sekiranya dia tau aku tidak kuat, tentu dia tak uji aku macam ni kan...

Rabu, 12 November 2008

Hmmmmmmmmm... Kali pertama sebenarnya untuk mengakseskan diri dalam laman cyber.. Come to think of it.. Rasa macam tak percaya.. coz I m totally computer blind... sekadar ingin mencuba.. setelah membaca laman blog orang.. expecially my favourite afdlin shauki and Tun. Tapi jarang baca habis.. since my works doesn't really permit me to read all..

Well.. As a mother of 4 kids.. Kadang2 tu, I don't even have time for myself.. Being a single mother..Letih!

But at least I am more focused to my work and the children. Without the hassle of having headache coz the other half doesn't really exist.

May be anyone out there would like to share their stories with me..